Monday, August 29, 2011

Typical Day...

Now that school has officially started for me, my everyday habits have changed drastically from the summer. This is a typical day for me after my long day at school/lab/work. 

1. GRE Kaplan Study Materials- My official test date is less than a month away so I have been consistently putting in my hours studying for it. It's challenging to study for this and for my classes at the same time... 
2. Coffee- I try to stay home and study, but when it is as hot as it has been this past week, there is absolutely no way that I can study at home. So usually, I am at my favorite local coffee shop drinking my favorite milk coffee and putting in my study hours here. 
 3. Netbook- What would I do without my faithful netbook? I usually keep this on when there is a Dodger game I want to keep up with or if I want to listen to Pandora. Babyface, Keith Urban, and Hillsongs are my go to stations when I study.
4. School Notes- A really helpful hint I realized after many many years of school is rewriting my notes! Sometimes during class I get so absorbed in writing nicely that I forget what the heck I'm writing about. So now I spend more time paying attention to my professors and I just rewrite the notes when I study on my own, and it really helps! Only if I figured this out earlier... lol
5. Droid2-  It's not pictured here because I was using it to snap this picture. But my Droid will literally be right there next to my pile of study stuff. And yes, it is a big distraction. I think I'm going to start leaving  this in the car...

This will ultimately be my life until December! Hopefully your days are more exciting than mine! 

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